Happy Little New Year!

Traditionally, the Coming Of Age Day, Seijin-no-Hi, was also celebrated on January 15th. It’s the mark of entering adulthood. You could say that Master Shimabuku’s Karate entered its adulthood at this time and emerged as Isshin Ryu Karate.

Like an Okinawan Hibiscus, Master Shimabuku’s Karate bloomed as “Isshin Ryu” on that January day in 1956.  Seeds of Isshin Ryu have since been carried on the winds across the oceans and around the globe. 

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In January of 1972, Sensei Sutton planted one of those seeds at Penn State and established the Penn State Karate Club.  With help from Sensei Dorow & Sensei Liskai, PSKC developed strong roots. PSKC celebrates its 51st anniversary this year.

Congratulations to Dalal on her promotion to Rokkyu on this auspicious day!

HUB Lawn Karate on Sundays & Weather

Weather permitting, we’ll have extra outside Karate practices on Sundays at 7PM on the HUB lawn. If it is raining OR if temperatures are below 0°C/32°F then we will not have outside Karate class.

Karate in room 232HUB on Wednesday at 7PM and Sundays at 12:30PM will be unaffected by weather, unless the University shuts down for extreme weather conditions.

RIP Franco Harris

Franco Harris was a great supporter of Special Olympics PA. Each spring, he’d kick off the Beaver Stadium 5K fundraiser with Sue Paterno, charge up the runners, then greet them at the finish. PSKC members have run in every Beaver Stadium 5K since it started. We will miss you Franco but your spirit and inspiration will carry on!

October 25th is “Karate Day” in Okinawa.

On this day in 1936, prominent Okinawan masters gathered in Naha and formally adopted the term Kara-Te 唐手 (empty hand). The masters present included Hanashiro Chomo (1869-1945), Kyan Chotoku (1870-1945), Motobu Choki (1871-1944), Miyagi Chojun (1888-1953), Kiyoda Juhatsu (1886-1967, Chibana Chosin (1885-1969), and Shinpan Shiroma (1890-1954).
*The three highlighted in bold text are Shimabuku Tatsuo’s teachers.

Large Karate demonstrations, like the following video, are held in Okinawa on October 25th to commemorate the Meeting Of The Masters and celebrate the Okinawan art of Karate.

Karate Day demonstrations in Naha, Okinawa.

Resolution on the declaration of the day of Karate:

Fall Karate Schedule Update

PSKC offers Karate classes for Penn State students 3 times a week now. In addition to Wednesdays at 7PM in 232 HUB, we have two new opportunities on Sundays.

Wednesdays 7PM in 232 HUB
Sundays 12:30PM in 232 HUB
Sundays 7PM on HUB Lawn (weather permitting, dress appropriately for cooler temps)

“Dragon Man” of Isshin Ryu

島袋 龍夫

Over a century ago, in the small village of Chan, on a small island in the south pacific, a boy was born. One day he would become a Karate Master whose art would reach beyond the shores of Okinawa and spread across the globe.

“Dragon Man” of Isshin Ryu, Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei
(September 19, 1908 – May 30, 1975)

Young’s Tournament Returns October 15th

  • Open To All Styles
  • Events: Forms, Weapons, and Sparring
  • Divisions: Handicapable, Children, Junior, Adult, Senior and Executive
  • $100 Cash Prize for Grand Champion Winners
  • Trophies for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd (Runner up medals for children)

Bellefonte High School
At-The-Door Registration Opens at 9AM
First Event Begins at 11AM

For more information and registration details visit: