Tag Archives: PSKC

Fall 2019 Student Involvement Fair

Date: Thursday, August 29
Time: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Location: HUB Lawn
Check In Time for Groups: 10:00 AM

The Involvement Fair is one of the best opportunities to get involved in campus life at Penn State. Student Organizations, like the Penn State Karate Club, set up displays and have members on site talk to visitors one on one about what their organization does on campus. Involvement in co-curricular experiences is one of the most important parts of having a successful college career! You will make friends, learn all about Penn State, and develop invaluable skills you will use in life beyond Penn State. There are over 1,000 student organizations to choose from. Wondering where to start? Look for the Penn State Karate Club at the Involvement Fair!


Congratulations PSKC Competitors

PSKC competitors at IWKA 2019 banquet with tournament host and Grandmaster Kichiro Shimabuku

Congrats to all competitors this year and special congrats to our Black Belts that finished in the top 3 of their divisions.

Sensei Breanne Decker – 3rd Kata, 3rd Kobudo, 2nd kumite
Sensei Eliza Gabel – 3rd Kumite
Sensei Joe Kotanchik – 3rd Kumite
Sensei Sara Wall – 3rd Kobudo

IWKA 2021 World Championship will be hosted by Sensei Ramathas in India.