Happy Little New Year!

January 15th is a day of great significance.

The ソグワチグワ Soguwachiguwa was a 3 day celebration beginning with the full moon in January.  Okinawans would pay tribute to 歳徳神 Toshitokujin, a Shinto Kami of agriculture, seeking good fortune for their crops in the coming year. When the Gregorian Calendar was adopted, January 15th became the day that Soguwachiguwa was observed.

In 1956 on the occasion of ソグワチグワ Soguwachiguwa (Okinawan dialect) / 小正月 Koshogatsu (Japanese), the Little New Year, Master Shimabuku called a special meeting at his home & dojo in Chan village to announce a new name for his unique style of Okinawan Karate. Previously, his style had been called as Chan Migwa Te (in the late 40s) and later Su Nu Su (early 50s).  He chose “Isshin Ryu” because “all things begin with one, and the heart is the most important part. Isshin Ryu is the One Heart Way/Method.

Traditionally, the Coming Of Age Day, Seijin-no-Hi, was also celebrated on January 15th. It’s the mark of entering adulthood. You could say that Master Shimabuku’s Karate entered its adulthood at this time and emerged as Isshin Ryu Karate.

In the USA, we remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his beliefs in equality on January 15th. Master Shimabuku was progressive in his time as well. He would teach anyone his art as long as they were genuinely interested and of good heart, man or woman, any race or creed.

Like an Okinawan Hibiscus, Master Shimabuku’s Karate bloomed as “Isshin Ryu” on that January day in 1956.  Seeds of Isshin Ryu have since been carried on the winds across the oceans and around the globe. 

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In January of 1972, Sensei Sutton planted one of those seeds at Penn State and established the Penn State Karate Club.  With help from Sensei Dorow & Sensei Liskai, PSKC developed strong roots.

October 25th is “Karate Day” in Okinawa

On this day in 1936, prominent Okinawan masters gathered in Naha and formally adopted the term Kara-Te 唐手 (empty hand). The masters present included Hanashiro Chomo (1869-1945), Kyan Chotoku (1870-1945), Motobu Choki (1871-1944), Miyagi Chojun (1888-1953), Kiyoda Juhatsu (1886-1967, Chibana Chosin (1885-1969), and Shinpan Shiroma (1890-1954).
*The three highlighted in bold text are Shimabuku Tatsuo’s teachers.

This year the OKINAWA KARATE SPIRIT〜沖縄県空手振興課公式チャネル〜 channel on YouTube will be streaming some of the events starting at 10PM our time.

Additional information is available through the Okinawan Karate Information Center:

Isshin Ryu’s Dragon Man


Over a century ago, in the small village of Chan, on a small island in the south pacific, a boy was born. One day he would become a Karate Master whose art would reach beyond the shores of Okinawa and spread across the globe.

“Dragon Man” of Isshin Ryu, Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei
(September 19, 1908 – May 30, 1975)

Fall 2023 Karate Schedule

Join us at the HUB this fall for Karate. We have a mix of weekly opportunities to fit your schedule. Be ready to learn. Bring a friend along.

Tuesday Evenings Outside 7-9PM
HUB Lawn (weather permitting)

Thursday Afternoons 2-4PM
232 HUB

Friday Evenings 7-8PM
232 HUB

Saturday Late Night 10PM-MID
232 HUB

Sunday Afternoons Noon-2PM
232 HUB

A few tips:
Stay hydrated through the day. Bring a water bottle. Wear clothes that are comfortable for exercise. Remove watches/jewelry/etc to prevent damage and injury. Alert the instructor to any injuries or restrictions you may have. If you are feeling under the weather, take the day off.

Two step process to join the club.
1) Submit a request to join:
2) Complete the Student Affairs waiver form: