Tag Archives: University Park

Karate Club Article in PSU Daily Collegian


Building success beyond the dojo | An inside look at the Penn State Karate Club
by Andy Ly | The Daily Collegian Feb 10, 2025


Spring 2025 Student Involvement Fair

Look for the Penn State Karate Club at the Student Involvement Fair. The event is one of the best opportunities to get involved in campus life at Penn State. Student Organizations set up displays and have members on site talk to visitors one on one about what their organization does on campus. Involvement in co-curricular experiences is one of the most important parts of having a successful college career! You will make friends, learn all about Penn State, and develop invaluable skills you will use in life beyond Penn State. Wondering where to start? Start at the Involvement Fair! Look for the Penn State Karate Club table!

Spring 2025 Student Involvement Fair

DAY ONE: January 14

11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

HUB Robeson Center- Alumni and Heritage Halls

Fall 2023 Karate Schedule

Join us at the HUB this fall for Karate. We have a mix of weekly opportunities to fit your schedule. Be ready to learn. Bring a friend along.

Tuesday Evenings Outside 7-9PM
HUB Lawn (weather permitting)

Thursday Afternoons 2-4PM
232 HUB

Friday Evenings 7-8PM
232 HUB

Saturday Late Night 10PM-MID
232 HUB

Sunday Afternoons Noon-2PM
232 HUB

A few tips:
Stay hydrated through the day. Bring a water bottle. Wear clothes that are comfortable for exercise. Remove watches/jewelry/etc to prevent damage and injury. Alert the instructor to any injuries or restrictions you may have. If you are feeling under the weather, take the day off.

Two step process to join the club.
1) Submit a request to join:
2) Complete the Student Affairs waiver form:

Join Us For A Late-Night Karate Class

Starting on Wednesday, February 9th, the PSKC is adding a late-night Wednesday class. It starts at 10PM in room 232 HUB. Room 232 is on the end nearest to the HUB parking deck.

We’re looking for 50 new students to join the PSKC during its 50th anniversary!

° Wear clothing comfortable for exercising OR wear your Karate gi if you have one.
° Remove jewelry and watches beforehand.
° A mask covering nose & mouth is required, KN95 type recommended.
° Keep hydrated throughout the day, bring your own water bottle.
° Remove shoes upon entering the room (dojo).

Contact club president Dalal Malallah dxm664@psu.edu for registration and participation waiver information.