Tag Archives: Karate

Spring 2025 Student Involvement Fair

Look for the Penn State Karate Club at the Student Involvement Fair. The event is one of the best opportunities to get involved in campus life at Penn State. Student Organizations set up displays and have members on site talk to visitors one on one about what their organization does on campus. Involvement in co-curricular experiences is one of the most important parts of having a successful college career! You will make friends, learn all about Penn State, and develop invaluable skills you will use in life beyond Penn State. Wondering where to start? Start at the Involvement Fair! Look for the Penn State Karate Club table!

Spring 2025 Student Involvement Fair

DAY ONE: January 14

11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

HUB Robeson Center- Alumni and Heritage Halls

Isshin Ryu’s Dragon Man


Over a century ago, in the small village of Chan, on a small island in the south pacific, a boy was born. One day he would become a Karate Master whose art would reach beyond the shores of Okinawa and spread across the globe.

“Dragon Man” of Isshin Ryu, Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei
(September 19, 1908 – May 30, 1975)