Tag Archives: Isshin Ryu

Happy Veterans Day! Thank you for your service!

Veterans brought Isshin Ryu Karate back to the U.S. when they returned from overseas following WWII. They passed on the value of what they learned from Master Tatsuo Shimabuku. Penn State Karate Club benefited for many years from instruction provided by Sensei Liskai and Sensei Dorow, both U.S. Marines that trained under Master Tatsuo Shimabuku. Many of our Penn State Karate Club instructors and students are serving now, or have served in the past, in all branches of service.

We thank you for service and sacrifices.

A good day for 100 Seisan (13) Katas


Over a century ago, in the small village of Chan, on a small island in the south pacific, a boy was born. One day he would become a Karate Master whose art would reach beyond the shores of Okinawa and spread across the globe.

“Dragon Man” of Isshin Ryu, Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei
(September 19, 1908 – May 30, 1975)

Karate Session 2 Has Started!

The 2nd session of Spring 2020 Karate classes in IM Building are underway. Classes are offered on Wednesdays and Sundays at 7:30PM. The 2nd Session runs through March 29th.

Space is still available. Register online with Campus Recreation today!

Or register at the help desk when you visit IM Building.

Happy New Year!


Registration is open for the 2020 Penn State Campus Recreation Isshin Ryu classes. They will be offered in Spring 2020 on Sundays and Wednesdays from 7:30-9:30 in the Intramural Building. Spring semester classes will be divided into 3 sessions. The trial period begins January 22nd. The first registered class begins January 29th.

Spring 2020 schedule & registration information is available here: