Okinawan Performing Arts at the Kennedy Center – Sept 6th

The Okinawa Prefectural Government presents “Okinawan performing Arts” at the Kennedy Center on the 6th of September.  It is part of the “Okinawa Culture and Spirit Promotion project.”

Top level performers will perform Ryukyu traditional dance, traditional karate, and so-saku Eisa.

Admission is free but the seats are first come-first served. Please bring your friends and introduce them to rich Okinawan Culture.  You don’t want to miss this great event!

Please read the attached flyer for more details.

The link below gives you an introduction of the performers that will be coming from Okinawa.

The Kennedy Center website will post this event at a later date.  It will be at:

PDF Attachment:

140730OKINAWA_Kennedy Center_0730-2-2

PSKC Competition Team ties for 1st at Young’s Tournament

Congratulations to members of the PSKC Competition Team!  PSKC tied for 1st place in overall points earned at an open style tournament hosted by Young’s Tae Kwon Do in Bellefonte on October 5th.

PSKC Young's Tournament - October 5th, 2013

Individual Results:

Eliza Gabel – 2nd Kata, 3rd Kumite
Lindsay Faust – 1st Kata, 2nd Kumite
Laura Egan – 2nd Kata, 1st Kumite
Christian Conlon – 2nd Kata, 1st Kumite
Matt Hohn – 4th Kata, 3rd Kumite
Zhouxiang Ying – 3rd Kata, 4th Kumite
Michael Johnson – 5th Kata, 2nd Kumite
Aaron Wilson- 2nd Kata, 4th Kumite
Steve LaBarge – 3rd Kata, 3rd Kumite
Keli Henrickson – 3rd Kata, 2nd Kumite
Dan Micco – 1st Kata, 1st Kumite
Max Shultz – 2nd Kata
Sabrina Melhem – 2nd Kata, 3rd Kumite

Josh Sennett – 1st Kata, 2nd Kumite

Happy Birthday Master Tatsuo Shimabuku! Kanpai!

Shimabuku 島袋 was born in Chan village on September 19,1908, Meiji 41 – year of the “Monkey”.  His given Okinawan name was “Kana” and his given Japanese name was “Shinkichi“.  As an adult, he chose the name “Tatsuo” – 龍夫 Dragon Man.  When naming his sons, he split the characters for Shinkichi, naming his first son Kichiro and his second son Shinsho.


Karate Demos and New Member Sign-Ups this week!

PSKC members are holding free Karate demos in 106 White Building this week at 7PM.

There will also be new member sign-ups.  Get a head start by bringing a completed waiver form with you.  Membership is open to PSU students, faculty and staff.  You can find a copy of the waiver at this link: