Category Archives: Announcements

Karate Demos and New Member Sign-Ups this week!

PSKC members are holding free Karate demos in 106 White Building this week at 7PM.

There will also be new member sign-ups.  Get a head start by bringing a completed waiver form with you.  Membership is open to PSU students, faculty and staff.  You can find a copy of the waiver at this link:

Equipment Order and More!

Hello Everyone,

Just a reminder that I am putting the equipment order in Wednesday morning. If you plan on ordering anything from AWMA or Jukado, (I’ve listed the websites below), please let me know by Tuesday night during workout at the absolute latest.

Also, in celebration of the 57th anniversary of the naming of Isshinryu, on Tuesday January 15th, we will be going to Home Delivery after workout.

Being that it is the beginning of the semester, there are many important dates coming up, I’ve listed most of them below.

January 15th – Equipment order deadline and Isshinryu Naming Day Anniversary Dinner
January 26th or 17th – Demo at Setsucon (not sure of the exact day or time, but we’ll let you know when we know)
February 2nd – Seminar in Virginia with Sensei Sutton
February 9th – S’no Big Deal 5.8 Mile Run at Colyer Lake
March 16th – Spring 2013 Test Seminar and social afterwards
April 6th – Young’s Tournament
April 21st – Beaver Stadium 5K Run
April ?? – Spring PSKC Picnic (TBD)

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


First Aid & CPR/AED Training + Vehicle Registrations

If you are interested in becoming a club safety officer, please see the schedule posted by Penn State Athletics of dates and times when First Aid & CPR/AED training is offered.  The cost is $80, but PSKC can reimburse you.

Also, if you plan to transport club members to off-campus activities in a car, you must first register your vehicle with Club Sports.  The form to register is available here.