Saturday, October 5, 2019
Bellefonte High School
830 E Bishop St
Bellefonte, PA 16823
Weapons, Forms and Sparring
All Styles Welcome, All Ages
Register at the door or online:
Bellefonte High School
830 E Bishop St
Bellefonte, PA 16823
Weapons, Forms and Sparring
All Styles Welcome, All Ages
Register at the door or online:
Registration for the fall Karate Fitwell classes in IM Bldg on Sundays and Wednesdays has been extended. Contact Campus Rec with registration questions. 814-867-1600 or recmembership@psu.edu.
Registration info:
Over a century ago, in the small village of Chan, on a small island in the south pacific, a boy was born. One day he would become a Karate Master whose art would reach beyond the shores of Okinawa and spread across the globe.
“Dragon Man” of Isshin Ryu, Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei
(September 19, 1908 – May 30, 1975)
Class size for the Campus Recreation Karate in IM Building is limited. Registration extended through Monday, September 23rd to participate in the Fall 2019 class.
Registration info:
Fitness and Wellness Karate Class starts at 7:30PM on Sunday the 15th. Room 15 is mat/wrestling room on the lower level of IM Bldg. Wear your white Karate gi if you have one, or exercise clothing. For safety, please remove all jewelry, watches, etc. before class begins.
Fitwell Karate Class registration info:
Fitness and Wellness Karate Class starts at 7:30PM. Room 7 is on the lower level of IM Bldg. Wear your white Karate gi if you have one, or exercise clothing. For safety, please remove all jewelry, watches, etc. before class begins.
Fitwell Karate Class registration info:
Fall 2019 Isshin Ryu Karate fitness class registration info:
7:30-9:30 in 260 Willard Building.