Tag Archives: PSU
Black Belts Supporting The Virtual Beaver Stadium Run!

Penn State Karate Club Black Belts keeping fit by participating in the Virtual Beaver Stadium Run to continue their support for Special Olympics of Pennsylvania.
PSU Extends Remote Classes for Spring Semester
All Penn State Karate Club classes and events are cancelled for the spring 2020 semester. To keep your skills and fitness honed, set aside time for individual practice at home.
For updated information on Penn State’s response to COVID-19 visit:
Karate Session 2 Has Started!

The 2nd session of Spring 2020 Karate classes in IM Building are underway. Classes are offered on Wednesdays and Sundays at 7:30PM. The 2nd Session runs through March 29th.
Space is still available. Register online with Campus Recreation today!
Or register at the help desk when you visit IM Building.
Registration Open For Spring 2020 Classes!
Registration for fall Karate Fitwell Classes Extended!

Registration for the fall Karate Fitwell classes in IM Bldg on Sundays and Wednesdays has been extended. Contact Campus Rec with registration questions. 814-867-1600 or recmembership@psu.edu.
Registration info:
Free Trial Fitwell Karate Class in IM Bldg Rm15 Sunday!

Fitness and Wellness Karate Class starts at 7:30PM on Sunday the 15th. Room 15 is mat/wrestling room on the lower level of IM Bldg. Wear your white Karate gi if you have one, or exercise clothing. For safety, please remove all jewelry, watches, etc. before class begins.
Fitwell Karate Class registration info:
Free Trial Fitwell Karate Class in IM Bldg Rm7 Tonight!

Fitness and Wellness Karate Class starts at 7:30PM. Room 7 is on the lower level of IM Bldg. Wear your white Karate gi if you have one, or exercise clothing. For safety, please remove all jewelry, watches, etc. before class begins.
Fitwell Karate Class registration info:
Fall 2019 Student Involvement Fair
Date: Thursday, August 29
Time: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Location: HUB Lawn
Check In Time for Groups: 10:00 AM
The Involvement Fair is one of the best opportunities to get involved in campus life at Penn State. Student Organizations, like the Penn State Karate Club, set up displays and have members on site talk to visitors one on one about what their organization does on campus. Involvement in co-curricular experiences is one of the most important parts of having a successful college career! You will make friends, learn all about Penn State, and develop invaluable skills you will use in life beyond Penn State. There are over 1,000 student organizations to choose from. Wondering where to start? Look for the Penn State Karate Club at the Involvement Fair!