PSKC Black Belts compete at World Championship

PSKC instructors traveled to Augusta, Maine to attend seminars with Grand Master Kichiro Shimabuku and compete in the IWKA 2017 World Championship Tournament.  The event this year was hosted by Senseis Rob & Rebecca Pushard of Maine Isshinryu Karate Academies.

PSKC finished with five 1st places, four 2nd places, and seven 3rd places.  Competition included empty hand forms, weapons, and sparring.

The IWKA 2019 World Championship will be hosted by Goshin Isshinryu Karate in London, England on July 27 & 28th.

PSKC wins team award & two Grand Championships at local tournament

Congratulations to PSKC competitors at Young’s Tournament on April 8th!  Master Young awarded PSKC with the Team Trophy for accumulating the most points in Kata, Sparring and Breaking events.

Three PSKC Black Belts won first places in their divisions and competed in the Grand Championship events, achieving Grand Champion in Men’s and Women’s Black Belt Sparring.

Happy 2017!

PSKC members participate in the Resolution Run 5K on New Year’s Eve and gather at the 2017 Ice Sculpture on Allen Street for a post-run picture.

2017 Ice Sculpture on Alan Street, State College. Post-Resolution Run 5K.

2017 Ice Sculpture on Allen Street, State College. Post-Resolution Run 5K.